Friday, August 1, 2014

the popsicle project | week 7: icy hot

so. technically i made this back in week 5, in laguna with katie and michael, but we'll pretend like this was a freshie from this week. ICY HOT! inspired by one of my favorite cocktails, jalapeno margaritas. hence the name, icy hot. icy because it's a popsicle, and hot because of the spicy. get it. i spelled it out.

what's in it/ingredients:

  • 3* parts tequila
  • 2 parts lime juice
  • 1 part orange juice
  • 1 part grand marnier
  • half of a jalapeno, with seeds removed (DONT TOUCH YOUR EYES)

*spoiler alert: this thing didnt really freeze, so this portioning of tequila was probably too much

prep time: 3 3/4 minutes
pretty much just throw everything into the blender, including the jalapeno. although spoiler alert part 2: this turned out really spicy.

ta da!:

rating: **
although one of my favorite cocktails and despite this popsicle tasting great, it 1. did not freeze and 2. burned your mouth off, which are basically the 2 things popsicles aren't supposed to do. as indicated in the spoiler alerts earlier, i'd prob ease up on the tequila next time, and maybe not throw the whole jalapeno into the blender, but attempt some muddling maneuver. definitely has promise, but also this was definitely the ugly step sister to the mango/coconut popsicle. i'm still thinking about that one. popsicle of the year!

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