Saturday, June 28, 2014

the popsicle project | week 3: sweet tea shirt time

ahhh i'm a little behind on behalf of being out of the country majority of this week (in paris #namedrop), so scrambled to get this week's popsicle out. could not be cutting it any closer...

thought a John Daly inspired popsicle would be perfect for summer, and an easy one to make. 

what's in it:
  • 1 part sweet tea vodka
  • lemon/lemon juice
  • 1 part water
yeah only two things. i got lazy this week. on the third week. a little too early on in the project to get lazy. blame it on the jetlag?

prep time:
  • depends on how long it takes you to squeeze a lemon, so between 14 and 90 seconds

ta da!:

Rating: *
This was by far the worst popsicle I've made. 

I was in a rush to stay on schedule, and Sweet Tea Shirt Time definitely got the short end of that (popsicle) stick. Seeing as how it was mostly alcohol and therefore an extremely high likelihood of not freezing, and actually DID (sort of), I'll take that small victory. I say "sort of" because it only got to the literal BRINK of freezing. As you can see in the photo, the popsicle has a very noticeable gangsta lean, and that's because half of it didnt freeze. 

In fact, 8 seconds after this photo was taken when I went to go taste it, it crumbled into a slushy pile on my kitchen counter/floor. I had to rush to shoo poopsie away so she wouldn't lap it up and get schwastey. (she's fine)

So. It doesn't taste that good either. It tastes like a lot of vodka.

BUT it has potential. Next time I'm changing the ratio, 1 part sweet tea vodka, 3 parts water, and I think we'll have a winner.

And I worked a Jersey Shore mention into the name, always a win to get an on brand before/after ye ye ye.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

the popsicle project | week 2: creole lady melonade

i've been drinking... watermelon

week 2! this week's popsicle is based off of a cocktail we fashioned in montauk lovingly named "The Sandy Bitch". We mad scientist'ed a recipe of whatever Montauk Mike had in his pantry, and came up with something delicious and deliciously boozy.
the og

What's in it:


  • 3 parts watermelon: maybe like... a quarter of a medium sized watermelon? chopped up.
  • 1-1.5 part alcohol: half vodka, half st germain 
  • 1 lime's juicy juice

Prep time: 5 min

  • this one took a bit because of the muddling involved with the watermelon. start by chopping up the watermelon into bits, and then run it through a juicer. I used a lime-one because that's all I had. It worked great! 
  • Juice all the watermelon, keeping the juice and the mushed up watermelon meat in a cup
  • Add in the vodka and St Germain
  • Squeeze in the juice of a lime. Use the lime juicer if you have one, because that's what it's meant to do
  • And then that's it.
Here's a visual of a limer juicer thing, because I'm pretty sure that's not it's official name but I dont know what else to call it:

Ta da!:

Rating: ****
First of all, I'm just impressed it froze because there is a fair amount of alcohol in this one, and of the non-freezing vodka variety too. It was already a favorite summer cocktail, so the fact that it comes in frozen form on a stick is just the type of happiness Pharrell sings about.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

the popsicle project | week 1: wine not? sangria

What's in it:

  • 4 parts cheap red wine
  • 1 part fizzy grapefruit soda
  • Various fruits cut up real small 

Prep time:

  • like, half a second. throw the fruit in the mold, and pour the wine/soda mixture in
  • Tip: buy the pre cut fruit from the deli, super efficient (my fav)

Ta da!:

Rating: ****
It's delicious. Best one yet. I mean it's the first one , but I have a feeling this will be the hit of the summer. The popsicle version of crop tops/Iggy Azelia for summer 2014. Or blurred lines 2013. Or raven's revenge 1995. Also, I might just be on a high because it successfully froze. Do with this commentary what you will. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

the popsicle project

I've always really liked popsicles. One summer, I ate a whole 36 Pop*Sicle box in one sitting. I also really like Otter Pops. But the purple ones make my throat feel funny.

I also really like sangria.

So here we are, trying to make some boozy popsicles this summer. One a week. Doin it. Lets see which ones actually freeze!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


For tash xo

Lil hippo
...frying an egg
...In Rihanna's CFDA awards dress. Or "dress" #naked #topical