Tuesday, August 26, 2014

the popsicle project | week 10: gummy beers

this week's popsicle comes by way of montauk. ana lee and i took one last trek to visit montuak mike out in the hamptons (more specifically montauk. if you haven't heard of it, it's where jim carey and rose go in the movie eternal sunshine of the spotless mind) before summer slips away (insert tears here), and i amateur-houred in and forgot my popsicle molds. ugh. I HAD ONE JOB.

but never fear, master of improvising is here. made some tasty treats in ice trays!

what's in it/ingredients:

  • 1 vodka soaked gummy bears
  • 1 part montuak brewing summer ale
  • 1 part orange juice (or lemonade)

prep time: ?
soooooooooo not sure exactly about prep time for this one. because we didnt make the gummy bears. they were left over from a bachelorette party that had rented montauk mike's place the weekend before. despite what mamas n papas have been saying for eons, we took candy from a stranger. slightly sketchy, but they were DELISH. unlike most vodka gummy bears, these ones didnt actually taste of vodka, nor did they trigger the BLEH face you usually make when taking shots.

i assume the gummy bear vodka bath takes some time, but we actually didn't make that part, and the pouring beer and orange juice part took 3 second, so.... use your best judgement i guess?

ta da!:
that's a montuak tie dye sunset in the background!

rating: ***
this actually worked really well in ice cube form - given they were a little too big to eat in one bite, they were pretty great for nibbling. your hands would just get really sticky. but the combination of tart shandy and then a flavor surprise of the gummy bears was killer, although i will give the gummy bear MVP for this one!

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