Thursday, June 17, 2010

My eyes yearn for: SCOTT PILGRIM vs. THE WORLD


also i blame luckett for turning me into a nerd. saw this trailer when i went to watch kickass with him. now i'm addicted to these comic book movies. this one in particular does some interesting things integrating the classic comic book WHAM!s and KAPOW!s and 1-ups.

This was me at E3 today

Anything for the shot...

Shy Walrus

speak up! this beat cost a lot of monay

this has happened to you

... and it sucked.

similar situation: sparkling water vs. sprite

A Conversation: Mobst vs. New Castle City Council

touche, Mobst, touche

Narnia Portal into Awesomeness

when i get a house, i am totally making one of the rooms a hidden play room. this kicks so much ass.

They took an armoire (sp?) and cut a hole out of the back of it, and then lined it up to the door way of the play room. So unsuspecting. Such a great place to shove things in when you dont really want to clean.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bunny + Pancakes

please feel free to use as a response to those emails you get at work. you know. the ones where you have no idea what they're talking about.