Friday, May 28, 2010

technology: 1. non-waterproof mascara: 0

baby reacts to hearing his mom's voice for the first time after his cochlear implant is turned on...

dammit he got me.

worst. mask. ever.

but i lol'ed anyway. so did jenna.

Take my Chevy to the Levvy

chevy chase and i have enough friends in common that facebook suggest we connect. awesome.

and this little piggy went, MEOW

uh ohhhhhh watch out poopsie i sense a craft project

blogging FAIL

# of posts vs. month
.... my bad

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

cover of gaga by some little man

dammit this kid is magical with his twinkle fingers and angelic voice. lets just hope all of the talent makes it through puberty.

can he win american idol instead of that weird hippie chick or the nondescript white dude...

annnnd this week's gaga epi of glee was amazing.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

wait a second...


... and nick with long hair and crazy goatee?!


i need to start replying to emails with this just this picture:

Glee Overload

i am a dork. but it's ok cuz i got to hang out with the cast of glee all week, what did YOU do?!

wednesday: maxim hot 100
thursday: glee live (with lee!)
friday: shootin the shit with cory monteith, aka the most amazing night ever

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

flashing, lights (lights lights lights)

i love the iphone, i have one, i live by it, etc etc

but we had the editor of pop sci stop by and give us a preview of all the cool tech stuff that's coming out and let me tell you, the next gen droid is freaking awesome. and this picture is funny.


reason 10,204,382 he's on my list:

you're the object of my affection, paul rudd, which incidentally was a great movie you were in as well. totes mcgotes.