Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's Terrriibbble!

So bangs... turns out not such a good idea for me. I either look like helmet head (upper left) or like a homeless lady (upper right). or a LION!(lower right).

But at least I know now! And now Eric, Eric, and Nick know to not get these hair cuts:

Nick looks like weird version of silent bob in that last one.

Get your own virtual haircuts avail here:


  1. the top right kinda reminds me of your mum.

    you're waaaay too young for the mum hair cut.

  2. I think Myra meant top left? At least the last time I saw your mom, that was similar to her hair cut-- but that was yearrrrrs ago.

  3. oh my god, i just choked on my coffee.
    nick looks phenomenal!
    and yeah ok i kinda vote against bangs for you now too. time to try this on myself..
