Friday, February 25, 2011

happy friday | ebee went to a rave and made a funny

Eric: i went to a rave on saturday night with abe alex and alex's brother
me: how did that go
Eric: i got drunk
Eric: it was a diplo show
Eric: average age, 19
Eric: average temperature, 102
Eric: average humidity, Lake

Friday, February 18, 2011

FRIDAY!!!! | speakeasies (ys?)

brian segna isnt good at a lot of things, but he is good at finding awesome bars. he recently brought to my attention two speakeasyish spots, the wellesbourne and townhouse basement.

went to the wellesbourne this past week; it is awesome. given we went on a monday and we were more or less the only people in the bar (plus one vomiting tourist, eee...), we still had a pretty fun time.
the place is split up into 3 rooms; one with a fireplace and huge leather chairs, another with floor to ceiling bookshelves and super old books, and another with shuffleboard and a foozball table.
not sure how great an idea drunk people plus fire in the firepalce is on a crowded night, but with 10 people in the bar it was quite lovely.
they give you your bill (and it's not a cheap bill... the drinks are good but hellllllo$$) in these hollowed out little books. and ebee misa and smeggs ended up eating food there - tasty as hell.

the other place bsegs found, townhouse basement, seems like it has major potential to get annoyingly crowded (ahem, basement tavern). but it looks cool!
i wonder what you do there. put on marionette shows? talking pictures? pole dancing.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

happy friday | spring colors

Align Leftjenna and i took a little trip to home depot during our lunch break to pick out our "spring colors" in paint samples!
mine are the ones on the bottom: bermudan blue, spring stream, delicate lace, pale coral, antique copper.

you may remember we did this last summer in preparation for our "fall colors" - Pretty Nice Little Saturday...

jenna was quick to point out that my colors are more or less the same. swapped out some blues for some blue-greens apparently. whatever, at least i'm consistent? we dont have seasons in LA anyway.

i traded bermudan blue for some caribe and it looks more spring to me now. branching out, lookit me making strides in 2011!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

happy thursday | honey badgers a badass

honey badger dont give a shit. what's he gonna eat for the next 3 weeks? COBRAS.

(thanks mari!)

Monday, February 7, 2011

LA Bucket List

put a list together (because i love lists) of LA stuff i want to do. let me know if you'd like to help check off the list!

Items that would be on the list if I haven't already done em:
  • Escondido Falls hike
  • Long Beach Aquarium
  • Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area
  • Bingo at Hamburger Mary's
  • Venice Bikes
  • Hollywood Bowl anything/everything
  • Happy Hour at Hotel Erwin
  • Gjelinas
  • Derby Dolls
  • Trapeze school @ Santa Monica Pier
  • International Pillow Fight Day @ Pershing Square (4/2/2011)
  • BootieLA @ Echo Park
  • Din Tai Fung dumpling house
  • Drink | Eat | Play Beerfest
  • Chinese Mann Theater
  • Pantegas Theater
  • Magic Castle
  • Hotel Erwin happy hour

My Week In Pictures: February 6

Smores cupcake = best idea ever. Eating it for breakfast = not the best idea. but i couldn't wait!!

Gong hai fat choi! Year of the rabbit. Got more than $20 from my parents this year in red packet money - Seriously been getting $20 every year since I was 12. Finally that escalator is kicking in woohoo!

New iPhone app, as recommended by Nick. Supes fun. I'd say second to Cut the Rope, but higher than Angry Birds. This is of course judging by cuteness of game character.
Tasha was having a crisis figuring out military time. Made her this cheat sheet. PPT FTW!

What a weirdo.

DineLA dinner with ebee and jenna at Lawry's. Best DineLA deal ever - $44 for delish salad, 8oz prime rib, mashed potatoes, 2 sides (creamed spinach and corn mmmm), lobster tail, that bread thing, coffee/tea, and dessert. AKA yummy in my tummy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Week In Pictures: Jan 30

Tea is for trouble. uh oh. I drink a lot of tea, eee....

Sugarbowl @ Tahoe. My first snow of the season! Amazing day with matty cakes. Empty mountain. And I did my first box!

Feeding a cabin of 12. $500 and 2 carts later...

Sangria! Used Carlo, but classed it up with asian pear. delish.

Pimps n Ta hoes <3

Celeb stalking at SAGS

Me and my hot date. Yo da best Lee!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Hump Day | Pushing Daisies

I miss Pushing Daisies. I need more Ned in my life. And cup pies.