Tuesday, November 9, 2010

happy tuesday | the ugliest logo ever

seriously urban outfitters?? this is your new logo? way to shout out to word art. BLEH.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

happy thursday | catephant

in honor of almost weekend, please enjoy this creepy/awesome cat video. volume necessary.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

happy thursday | new york

i'm in new york suckaaas! and imma watch american idiot on broadway tonight with my hot date lee champion. good start to halloweek!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

happy wednesday | skin tight jeans

ok what the hell is it about that stupid katy perry jeans song. i hate it. but its so freaking catchy. so i actually love it.

but the lyrics are terrible!! get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans?! UGH.

no regrets. just love.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

happy tuesday | nomster!

i made my friend misa and jenn hoodies of their tasty food truck's mascot, the nomster. and she put me on their site! now erbody go eat some nom nom truck bahn mi!

they're doing a webisode series and if you dress up as a nomster tomorrow at the Lopez Ranch Pumpkin Patch stop, you'll get a free sammie!

<3 you misa!

Monday, October 25, 2010

case of the mondays | it's pumpkin time

cab's here! time to fist pump-kin. bahha.

me and lil frankie monster

jenna and skeeter skelly

lau and hedwig

katie and "cat"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

happy friday | xo dino crew

new york in 5.5 days!! cant wait to rock the dinocrew, we gon look hooott

artwork by miss tricia desjardins

Thursday, October 21, 2010

happy thursday | an apple a day

magritte just pooped himself.

ps boys, this is an awesome halloween costume. all you need is a suit, red tie, bowler hat, and an apple which you'd have to hold in front of your face all night. done and done.

more HERE

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

happy tuesday | damn printer

lolz because:
1. cat
2. printer
3. british

i totally do this. to the work printers. without the british accent. and i like cats.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

happy birthday bebe stepp!

love bearling


haters gon hate, but seriously Step Up 3D is epic.

ok ok, there's no real plot, the lines are cheesetastic, and lead character is blander than plain whole grain oatmeal and probably the most one dimensional actor out there (ironic as he's in a 3d movie? no?), but he looks like tad hamilton and ashton smooshed into one doucheyish man hottie and can shake his booty.

and then there's this guy (SWOON):

and a water scene! all in 3D!:

all in all a good time. step it up. booyah.

"what it's really like to work in a music store"

this guy is lolz

what's your totem

JGL in a hallway. i could watch this all day long. LOVE IT.



i do this all the time.

i've got a bieber fever and the only cure is more cow bell

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tweed Ride

apparently tweed rides exist? amazing!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cat Yodel WIn!

Paul the Crazy Cat Engineer is at it again! This time taking on the Old Spice dude! It's funny and there are kitties involved, but lets be honest Old Spice dude would totally ravage in a "Paul vs Old Spice Dude" battle.

and here's the og "An Engineer's Guide to Cats" in case you've been living under a cat-less rock for the last 25 months:

Office Space Keyboard Cat

ok ron livingston. you are officially forgiven for the whole breaking up on a post it thing. because this is pretty funny.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My eyes yearn for: SCOTT PILGRIM vs. THE WORLD


also i blame luckett for turning me into a nerd. saw this trailer when i went to watch kickass with him. now i'm addicted to these comic book movies. this one in particular does some interesting things integrating the classic comic book WHAM!s and KAPOW!s and 1-ups.

This was me at E3 today

Anything for the shot...

Shy Walrus

speak up! this beat cost a lot of monay

this has happened to you

... and it sucked.

similar situation: sparkling water vs. sprite

A Conversation: Mobst vs. New Castle City Council

touche, Mobst, touche

Narnia Portal into Awesomeness

when i get a house, i am totally making one of the rooms a hidden play room. this kicks so much ass.

They took an armoire (sp?) and cut a hole out of the back of it, and then lined it up to the door way of the play room. So unsuspecting. Such a great place to shove things in when you dont really want to clean.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bunny + Pancakes

please feel free to use as a response to those emails you get at work. you know. the ones where you have no idea what they're talking about.

Friday, May 28, 2010

technology: 1. non-waterproof mascara: 0

baby reacts to hearing his mom's voice for the first time after his cochlear implant is turned on...

dammit he got me.

worst. mask. ever.

but i lol'ed anyway. so did jenna.

Take my Chevy to the Levvy

chevy chase and i have enough friends in common that facebook suggest we connect. awesome.

and this little piggy went, MEOW

uh ohhhhhh watch out poopsie i sense a craft project

blogging FAIL

# of posts vs. month
.... my bad

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

cover of gaga by some little man

dammit this kid is magical with his twinkle fingers and angelic voice. lets just hope all of the talent makes it through puberty.

can he win american idol instead of that weird hippie chick or the nondescript white dude...

annnnd this week's gaga epi of glee was amazing.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

wait a second...


... and nick with long hair and crazy goatee?!


i need to start replying to emails with this just this picture:

Glee Overload

i am a dork. but it's ok cuz i got to hang out with the cast of glee all week, what did YOU do?!

wednesday: maxim hot 100
thursday: glee live (with lee!)
friday: shootin the shit with cory monteith, aka the most amazing night ever

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

flashing, lights (lights lights lights)

i love the iphone, i have one, i live by it, etc etc

but we had the editor of pop sci stop by and give us a preview of all the cool tech stuff that's coming out and let me tell you, the next gen droid is freaking awesome. and this picture is funny.


reason 10,204,382 he's on my list:

you're the object of my affection, paul rudd, which incidentally was a great movie you were in as well. totes mcgotes.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

April in a Nutshell

and by nutshell i mean 6 photos:

1. mammoth with outside magazine and the saatchi crew

2. oahu with the jayns and the pale one

3. first time at schatts!

4. us weekly hot hollywood party at the w hotel's drais. rubbing elbows and other things with jLo, jeremy piven and anna kendrick

5. beer fest! with oscar from accounting!

6. biggest pillow fight ever. feathers. everywhere.

april was bumpin