Tuesday, August 26, 2014

the popsicle project | week 10: gummy beers

this week's popsicle comes by way of montauk. ana lee and i took one last trek to visit montuak mike out in the hamptons (more specifically montauk. if you haven't heard of it, it's where jim carey and rose go in the movie eternal sunshine of the spotless mind) before summer slips away (insert tears here), and i amateur-houred in and forgot my popsicle molds. ugh. I HAD ONE JOB.

but never fear, master of improvising is here. made some tasty treats in ice trays!

what's in it/ingredients:

  • 1 vodka soaked gummy bears
  • 1 part montuak brewing summer ale
  • 1 part orange juice (or lemonade)

prep time: ?
soooooooooo not sure exactly about prep time for this one. because we didnt make the gummy bears. they were left over from a bachelorette party that had rented montauk mike's place the weekend before. despite what mamas n papas have been saying for eons, we took candy from a stranger. slightly sketchy, but they were DELISH. unlike most vodka gummy bears, these ones didnt actually taste of vodka, nor did they trigger the BLEH face you usually make when taking shots.

i assume the gummy bear vodka bath takes some time, but we actually didn't make that part, and the pouring beer and orange juice part took 3 second, so.... use your best judgement i guess?

ta da!:
that's a montuak tie dye sunset in the background!

rating: ***
this actually worked really well in ice cube form - given they were a little too big to eat in one bite, they were pretty great for nibbling. your hands would just get really sticky. but the combination of tart shandy and then a flavor surprise of the gummy bears was killer, although i will give the gummy bear MVP for this one!

Monday, August 25, 2014

the popsicle project | week 9: POGsicle

this week's popsicle comes to you allllllll the way from hawaii. for those of you doing math, that's an 11 hour flight from new york. for those of you keeping track, YES I BROUGHT POPSICLE MOLDS TO HAWAII. that's what we call dedication. or being ocd, but whatever.

katie liz and i did a 3 amigos trip to maui (following carolyn's wedding in oahu which was beautiful!), and in between swimming with turtles and dolphins, wading in lava rock tide pools, and chasing waterfalls, we made some popsicles.

what's in it/ingredients:

  • 3 parts pog*
  • 1 part coconut vodka
if yall dont know what POG is, it's a hawaiian drink mixed of passionfruit, orange, and guava juices (hence P.O.G.) and it is deeeeeeelicious. all we drank in hawaii was pog. who needs water when you have pog? it looks like this in gallon form:

and not to be confused with pog the game (although folklore/wikipedia points out that pog the game originated in hawaii and was inspired by the cardboard caps in the pog drinks?!). here's a pog pog for good measure/repetition: 

prep time: 9 seconds
i've come to realize this "prep time" section is pretty useless, since for most of them i didnt actually keep track and am just making it up. but either way, this one was pretty straight forward pour and mix so you should definitely be able to do this in under 10 seconds.

ta da!:

rating: ***
this one should actually only get 2 stars, as it was overly sweet, but since i lugged popsicle molds all the way from new york to hawaii, and it is so perfectly hawaii themed, i'm giving it an extra star. katie actually made the cocktail version of this and it was delicious, but something happened when the gallon of POG got into my hands and it was extremely sweet in popsicle form. but it DID freeze and it WAS refreshing, you just couldnt really eat the whole thing without your teeth falling out from instant cavities.

but you know, when in hawaii!

the popsicle project | week 8: coffee with creamsicle

this one's based on a suggestion my bff and coffee addict katie threw out, which was to do an iced coffee boozy pop. i liked the idea of a double kick, of both alcohol and caffeine varieties, which is probably as confusing for your body as a vodka red bull, but this one with the added complexity of dairy too. but you know what, sometimes you just have to take risks in life.

what's in it/ingredients:

  • 2 parts coffee
  • 1 snack cup of vanilla pudding
  • 1 part bailey's
  • 1 part coffee liquor

prep time: 10 minutes
and only 10 minutes because i'm counting the time it took to make the coffee. basically you just stir everything together until a creamy texture - but try to let the coffee cool down first or it will look lumpy and curdled, like when you dont chug an irish car bomb fast enough. and who likes that (NO ONE).

ta da!:

rating: ****
this ones a goodie. the pudding gives it a cool fudgesicle texture, and it basically tastes like hagendaaz coffee ice cream. probably a good option for pre partying, as it gives you a kick and a buzz!

Friday, August 1, 2014

the popsicle project | week 7: icy hot

so. technically i made this back in week 5, in laguna with katie and michael, but we'll pretend like this was a freshie from this week. ICY HOT! inspired by one of my favorite cocktails, jalapeno margaritas. hence the name, icy hot. icy because it's a popsicle, and hot because of the spicy. get it. i spelled it out.

what's in it/ingredients:

  • 3* parts tequila
  • 2 parts lime juice
  • 1 part orange juice
  • 1 part grand marnier
  • half of a jalapeno, with seeds removed (DONT TOUCH YOUR EYES)

*spoiler alert: this thing didnt really freeze, so this portioning of tequila was probably too much

prep time: 3 3/4 minutes
pretty much just throw everything into the blender, including the jalapeno. although spoiler alert part 2: this turned out really spicy.

ta da!:

rating: **
although one of my favorite cocktails and despite this popsicle tasting great, it 1. did not freeze and 2. burned your mouth off, which are basically the 2 things popsicles aren't supposed to do. as indicated in the spoiler alerts earlier, i'd prob ease up on the tequila next time, and maybe not throw the whole jalapeno into the blender, but attempt some muddling maneuver. definitely has promise, but also this was definitely the ugly step sister to the mango/coconut popsicle. i'm still thinking about that one. popsicle of the year!